What is a Marketing Qualified Lead (and how to generate them) in 2021

What is a Marketing Qualified Lead (and how to generate them) in 2021

A Marketing Qualified Lead is typically known as an “MQL”, which by unofficial definition is a lead who has familiarized themselves & taken action with your Brand from Marketing touchpoints.

The first and most important thing of note is that an MQL is more likely to convert when compared to ice-cold leads.

Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) Identifiers

Secondly, there are identifiers you can use for an MQL which are typically intentional interactions.

  • Submitting Contact Information
  • Fill Out Assessments/Quizzes
  • Newsletter Opt-Ins
  • Account Creation
  • eBook Opt-Ins
  • Cheatsheets
  • Phone Calls
  • Checklists

Below is an example of an MQL from a Newsletter Opt-In for my Podcast!

The Contact Form for my Newsletter Media Buyers Manual which is technically a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)
The Contact Form for my Newsletter Media Buyers Manual which is technically a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)

These actions are typically starting points in their Buyer’s Journey by identifying their pain/problem and considering the content you’ve created to solve it. Which is referred to as Painkiller Content, more on this later…

Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) are open to receiving contact or more information for their problem & can be considered as more than likely to be open to a sales pitch.

MQL’s Won’t Solve Your Sales Funnel… Utilize BDR/SDR’s

When approaching your Sales Funnel keep in mind, the best practices of acquiring MQLs would be to further qualify leads with another Marketing touchpoint, or BDR (Business Development Rep)/SDR (Sales Development Rep) using any previous data gathered for deliberate outreaches.

Your BDR/SDR’s will be vital in bridging the gap between fresh MQLs & pitch-ready SQLs.

Again, this deliberate outreach is to initially grade lead quality, by further nurturing and uncovering/identifying pain + urgency levels.

The goal for BDR’s or SDR’s is to develop business/sales – that does NOT equate to a hard pitch.

Nurturing leads, or providing real value is a fundamental aspect of gaining trust, brand positioning and affirming qualifications for enhancing your chances of a conversion.

Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) have initiated the identification of a pain point and potential consideration of becoming a customer.

Can MQLs become SQLs (Sales Qualified Leads)?

For a general point of reference, Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) can easily be nurtured into Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) for your Sales team’s outreach.

Again, use the BDR/SDR your teams have to further qualify & grade leads within your sales process based on prospect urgency & pains.

By all means, always nurture your MQLs with methods such as

  • BDR/SDR Outreaches
  • Content Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Quiz/Assessments

These methods should all focus on uncovering any possible hidden pains, reservations, clarification of solution etc.

As a former in-house B2B Salesman (and now as I’m Self-Employed)… Give your Sales team higher close rates by providing high-quality, pre-qualified leads, who have had multiple touchpoints with your Brand.

As Gary Vaynerchuk would say, Jab, Jab, Jab – Right Hook.

Aka… Give, give, give – Ask.

That’s one piece of brand positioning any sales team would relish…

Leads with familiarity to the brand (multiple times), while also identifying within themselves that they have an active problem in which we can help solve.

How Can I Generate a Marketing Qualified Lead in 2021?

As I’ve touched on above, there are actions in which Marketing Qualified Leads take to define themselves as MQLs.

All Marketing efforts can bring leads in, it’s the specific actions a Lead takes which defines them as either an MQL, SQL, or a bad lead…

Identify for your Business which method(s) you want to use for Painkiller Content (solving the problem of your Buyer Persona) as this is the first touchpoint prospective leads will have with your brand.

Typically, try to make a small aspect of your paid service free and available to your prospects so they get a taste of what you offer, the quality of work you do and much more…

Again, here are some Examples of Marketing Qualified Leads:

  • eBook Download
  • Case-Study Download
  • Inbound Calls
  • Form Fill-outs
  • Demo’s Booked
  • Opt-Ins to Newsletters / Email Marketing List
  • Add-to Carts
  • Contacting You For More Information
  • Entering A Stage of Your Sales Funnel
  • Cheatsheet Download
  • Checklist Downloads
  • Entering Your Video Series
  • Entering info for Webinars

Now, I’ve covered a big list of the basic actions Marketing Qualified Leads will take to be defined as MQLs. You’ll find out that there are many more possibilities for defining MQLs.

Each MQL can be defined differently for different businesses based on their models… as well as the end goals of the business.

Lastly, after generating Leads, segmenting and scoring leads will be vital to your team’s success, defining “Bad Leads”, “MQLs”, and “SQLs” to avoid burning leads too soon.

Generate MQLs with a Content-First Approach in 2021

Step one in generating MQLs and more of them is to try and identify channels where bad leads come from, where good leads come from and double down on finding those quality inbound MQL & SQL channels.

Generating MQLs in 2021 is all about content-first approaches providing value to your specific Buyer Persona. Some Marketers call this Painkiller Content – you’re providing solutions.

Utilize a formula of…

  1. Hook
  2. Problem Setup
  3. Benefits / Big Promise
  4. Overcome Objections
  5. CTA

After establishing your Painkiller Content, try Marketing follow-ups like an Email Marketing funnel, as well as Social Media Marketing. Next use BDR/SDR outreaches to grade & further qualify leads for your Sales Reps to pitch and close.

Learn more from the MQL Masterclass which will be dropping at the end of January 2021…

For now, visit the blog for more MQL content to satisfy your Sales team & relieve your Marketing team of much stress!

Share the blog on your feed and follow me at

Let’s start creating effective campaigns which generate MQLs, if you need help generating MQLs for your Sales team – contact me through my contact forms!

Kevin Thompson

What is a Marketing Qualified Lead (and how to generate them) in 2021

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